

Sunday, February 14, 2010

How to Dry a Lemon, Lime or Orange Zest

How to Dry a Lemon, Lime or Orange Zest

Drying lemon peel preserves the flavour of the lemon for extended storage. Using dried peel in adds the citrus flavour to foods without the acid of lemon juice. You can dehydrate the citrus peel without a dehydrator by using you microwave or oven.

Things You'll Need
6 whole lemons
Grater or zester

For Microwave Drying
Paper plate
kitchen towels
Air-tight container

For Oven Drying
Parchment paper
Baking sheet
kitchen towels


Wash the citrus fruit with soap and water and place in a sink of cool water with 1 cup vinegar. Agitate them around a bit let sit in water for about 5 min. then rinse and dry them off this wil get rid of any spray, dirt or wax that might be on the peel. Use a grater or zester to remove the zest from the fruit. Grate of only the coloured part of the fruit, this is where the vital oils and flavours are the white pith only give your zest a bitter flavour and hinders the drying process.

Microwave Dry Citrus Zest

Line a paper plate with two layers of kitchen towels.
Arrange the grated peel in a ring shape on the paper towels.
Microwave on 70 percent power for 6 to 7 minutes,  stir the zest around and return to microwave for another 6 minutes. Spread the zest out evenly on a dry kitchen towel and cover with another one.

Let the dried lemon peel cool completely. Store in an airtight container in a cool dark place

Oven Dry Citrus Zest

Preheat the oven to 200°F

line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Scatter the zest evenly on the lined baking sheet in a single layer.
Place the baking sheet in the center of the oven until completely dried (approx. 2hrs)
Spread the zest out evenly on a dry foled kitchen towel and cover with another one.
Let the dried lemon peel cool completely. Store in an airtight container in a cool dark place

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